You’re about to one of the most brutally honest, extensive reviews of Flat Belly Fix by Todd Lamb.
Todd has made a few of the generic claims that you’ll hear on the majority of weight loss products. First, he claims that Flat Belly Fix will help you lose your lower stubborn belly fat in just 21 days.
He also says that Flat Belly Fix contains an “ancient spice” that converts bad fat into good fat that actually burns calories.
Not only that, but he also says that it will help you to experience the following benefits:
- Rapid weight loss without side effects
- Transform your metabolism from sugar burner to fat burner
- Improve your sex life
- Improve your hair and skin health
- Boost your thyroid so you can burn fat faster
- Much, much more!
Let’s see if Todd Lamb’s product is something that’s worth your time and money investment.
Btw – I’m Not an Affiliate for Flat Belly Fix
Just so you’re aware, the team here at HealthVI isn’t affiliated with Todd Lamb or his Flat Belly Fix product.
We dedicate this site to providing you with real, honest, entertaining reviews that inform you of the sea of fluff there is in the health and fitness market.
We have one goal in mind: help you save money by not purchasing expensive, fluff-filled products.
Instead, we guide you in the direction of affordable products which deliver quality health and fitness advice to you.
Flat Belly Fix Review In 15 Seconds Or Less
I was quite excited about seeing Todd Lamb’s name again since I’ve previously reviewed a few of his other products, including the Specforce Alpha program, which was a straight up awesome product.
Unfortunately, I can’t say the same about this product.
Flat Belly Fix contains a few good points on some key concepts in relation to weight loss, but it was missing the “zing” that I was expecting.
Read on to find out more as to why I can’t recommend this product to you.
Flat Belly Fix With A Few Upsells
There was a total of four upsells following the purchase of Flat Belly Fix. These upsells included an online coaching membership trial, a yoga and cardio guide, a recipe book, and a turmeric supplement.
After skipping the upsells, I was taken to the Flat Belly Fix membership site that looks like this.
After scoping the main guide, I find one positive feature about Flat Belly Fix that was worth mentioning in this review.
Flat Belly Fix Contains Some Pretty Solid Educational Information
(UPDATE: We’ve taken down the images of the product as per Todd’s request. He’s a real kind dude, and really understanding, so we were happy to comply)
The best thing about Flat Belly Fix is the fact that it contains some pretty solid information about weight loss related topics such as insulin resistance, leptin sensitivity, and a few “secret spices” that will aid you along your weight loss journey.
Todd Lamb has done a great job of presenting the topic, a few key points around the subject, and how it can help you in relation to weight loss.
For example, here are a few screenshots about turmeric, how it relates to weight loss and the particular benefits that it can have for men.
Here’s how Todd Lamb presents the topic of leptin sensitivity, and how it relates to your weight loss journey.
And lastly, the way Todd presents the point of insulin resistance and its relation to weight loss makes it extremely easy to digest and understand; perfect for people new to the topic of weight loss.
However, even though Todd Lamb has included some solid information on a few random topics, it doesn’t make up for the lack of effort that was given to the implementable information and the Flat Belly Fix Protocol.
The Flat Belly Fix Protocol Is Pretty Basic
It’s essentially a list of rules to follow including drinking a morning tea packed with micronutrients to start off your day, a list of food, and some other things in relation to the protocol.
This is the protocol summed up in 4 screenshots. It would have been nice to see something a little more easy to follow.
Perhaps a more in-depth 21-day chart, something visual for you to look at and keep track of as you undergo your 21-day Flat Belly Fix.
The lack of effort dedicated to the protocol wasn’t the only thing that was a downfall about Todd Lamb’s product; it was also missing a few key elements that would’ve pumped up the value of the product.
Flat Belly Fix Is Missing A Few Things
The main thing missing about Flat Belly Fix is the quality and quantity of exercise information in the guide.
Todd Lamb has included a short little guide with a few basic exercises and pictures to go along with it, but it’s not enough to cover the “why” and “how” of exercise.
Specifically, I’m referring to topics such as resistance training, circuit training, high-intensity interval training, and steady state steady-stateand how you use these tools to accelerate the weight loss process.
Todd Lamb has included some video content to go along with the exercises, but it’s definitely not enough to make up for the lack of educational exercise information.
It’s good, but it’s not great.
And that’s it for Todd Lamb’s Flat Belly Fix product!
Flat Belly Fix Final Rating: B
I mean, it wasn’t terrible.
I definitely have seen a lot worst. With that being said, Todd Lamb’s Flat Belly Fix definitely isn’t something that I can recommend to you.
If you wanna lose weight, burn fat, get in shape, and improve your health, you’re much better off reading our free fat loss guide. In that guide, you will learn every fat loss strategy I used to burn over 70 lbs in under 6 months… and keep the weight off for over 4 years.
Flat Belly Fix Comments Below Please!
As always, if you health fanatics ever have any questions about Flat Belly Fix or any of the other products that I’ve reviewed, or you just wanna know more about ya boy Danyon Togia, just chuck me a comment below!
I’ve been involved in this industry for 6+ years, so make sure you make use of me and the knowledge and experience that I’ve gained along the way.
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